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  • in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1955


    My apologies but I do support as well as everything else, as you know this is a one man project.

    I saw only the second half of your post due to pagination, so sorry about that.

    To answer your question, a few people are already using the plugin successfully.

    Regarding the woocommerce extension, you can choose any admin to be the shop “owner” to receive the cryptocurrencies. This can be any administrator account. The expected behavior is that on checkout some amount of a cryptocurrency is transfered to the admin account.

    Regarding the transactions that are not confirmed, let me ask you again if you received an email with a confirmation link? You can enable or disable this operation from the “Wallets -> Confirms” admin page. This could be simply that you have not setup emails on your server or it could be anything else. You can also set the plugin to not require User Confirmations in which case the transactions will be executed without it.

    Let me know if this answers your questions and also let me know about the confirmation emails

    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1952

    Yes, in fact any coin adapter should work with any app extension.

    This is the central idea behind Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets: To mix-and-match wallets and app features.

    in reply to: Network Connection Error #1948

    Great news, you’re quite right, the API key permissions need to allow a few things, I have made a note to add this to the troubleshooting section.



    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1946


    If I understand you correctly, communication with the API works in general, but user balances are not updated after depositing? Did you get deposit notifications over email?

    Is there a deposit row in your transactions table? What status/confirmations? Can you send me a copy or screenshot in my email?


    in reply to: Network Connection Error #1939


    Can you please be a little bit more specific? What do you mean by “wordpress module”?

    The CoinPayments IPN mechanism is not directly related to PayPal IPN. They perform similar function but other than that they are unrelated things.

    If I understand you correctly:

    1. You first set up the CoinPayments adapter. In the adapters list the status is “responding”.
    2. You attempted to display the frontend UI elements, either via shortcodes or via the widgets.
    3. You see an error in a message box when you try to view the UIs and the UIs are empty.

    Please have a look at the troubleshooting section in the manual, under “I do not see the UI elements in the frontend.”

    1. Check that you have added the shortcodes correctly or that you are displaying the widgets in the right widget area.
    2. Check that you are logged in.
    3. Check that you are logged in as a user with the right capabilities, including has_wallets. The needed capabilities for each UI element are listed in the Shortcodes section of this document.
    4. Check that at least one coin adapter is online. Go to Wallets -> Adapters and check the *status* column of each adapter.

    If the problem persists after you have checked the above, can you please post the error message that you get?



    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1938

    I did check your site and couldn’t figure anything out just by looking at the frontend.

    I do understand that your site is a hidden service. It’s true I did not setup an onion site. The issue here is not how the browser connects to your site, but how your site connects to the other APIs. Just because your site exposes an onion service does not mean it itself uses tor to connect to the other APIs. Your block.io adapter connects to the block.io API over clearnet probably, not Tor. The block.io adapter does not know anything about proxies. Only the CoinPayments adapter connects to its API over tor. I have tested this on my end.

    Can you tell me when you go to Wallets -> CoinPayments -> Coin Options, do you see your coins listed?

    in reply to: Users get to see all users..? #1937


    If you don’t need the internal transfer feature, you can disable the send_funds_to_user capability from the user roles that you do not want to see other users.


    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1932

    I’m afraid I can’t reproduce the issue.

    I have tested the coin adapter over tor and the UIs work fine.

    (Also note that you have posted the domain of your site. You have deleted it in one image but left it shown in the other. Maybe get a new one? )

    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1929

    I’ll investigate this and will let you know.

    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1901


    This is a different problem altogether I think. I have tested the UI with the new changes and it is not broken on my end.

    There are a number of reasons why the UI would not show, so please first see the troubleshooting section in the manual under “I do not see the UI elements in the frontend.”:

    Also, can you check your javascript console for errors and the network tab for failed XHR requests?

    If so, let me know what you see.

    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1899
    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1882

    OK I’ve got it working, using your suggestion.

    I will release a patch soon to the coinpayments adapter. There will be an option to enable tor.

    Thanks very much


    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1881

    My mistake, block.io is contactable over tor:

    $ curl --socks5-hostname localhost:9050 https://block.io/api/v2/get_balance/?api_key=foo
      "status" : "fail",
      "data" : {
        "error_message" : "Invalid value for parameter API_KEY provided."

    You might be right about those curl attributes! Did it work for you?

    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1880


    You have brought up a number of points, let me answer as many of them as I can:

    First, I do not know if you can use the block.io service over tor. At least the API URL doesn’t seem to be contactable from within tails. That would explain why it didn’t work for you.

    The CoinPayments adapter can possibly work with the curl parameters that you mentioned, I haven’t tested it though. If you have tested it, I would very much like to know what you found, otherwise I will try to make it work myself at some later time and release a patch if needed.

    The process to switch to another adapter is as follows (I will add it to the FAQ):

    1. Deactivate the first coin adapter
    2. Delete your deposit addresses. Simply do a
    DELETE FROM wp_wallets_adds WHERE symbol IN ('BTC','LTC','DOGE');
    in your SQL console. This will let new deposit addresses to be generated by the new adapter. If you do not do this your deposit addresses will be from the old adapter/wallet.
    3. Install and activate the new adapter.

    The CoinPayments adapter is well-tested over clearnet. Can you confirm that you can use it over clearnet? That would eliminate the possibility that you’re doing something else wrong. If it works over clearnet but not tor then we can work from there.

    Also, stepping back from the details, you are obviously interested in anonymity, so I believe you might be better off setting up your own wallet, rather than using a third-party service. I’m curious, why don’t you try to install your own Bitcoin wallet on a server? I normally recommend users against this, but you seem to be one of the edge cases who might be better off doing this.

    If you do not want to keep the entire blockchain online, you could use the built-in Bitcoin adapter with this wallet:


    In any case, make sure to only have only one adapter enabled for each coin that you use. The plugin will warn you about this.

    Let me know how it goes.

    in reply to: Problem with Extension TOR #1872

    If you want to connect over tor, at the very least I imagine that the API endpoint should be an onion address, so that’s one reason why it doesn’t work. The PHP code that you sent me is already in there, but the adapter is not meant to connect to the tor API of CoinPayments.

    Unfortunately to test and debug this I will need to setup a tor site and this will take me some time because I’ve never done it before.

    In the meantime, you could try editing the line in wallets-cp.php that reads

    const API_ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://www.coinpayments.net/api.php';

    Make it point to their API endpoint at their onion address and see if it works. It’s worth a shot.

    User balances update automatically when a deposit is inserted into your DB and its status changes to done. This happens once a transaction reaches the required number of confirmations. If the deposit does not appear in your transactions table, even in unconfirmed state, then that means that it was not discovered by the cron mechanism for some reason. We will need to debug this.

    If you wish, you could enable and check your WordPress logs, and let me know if you see anything suspicious.

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