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  • in reply to: Error when accessing the Wallet Admin Docs #13240

    Hello and thanks for reporting this issue.

    The error occurs because another plugin, or possibly even a theme, is loading an older version of Parsedown on your site.

    If you want to find out which plugins use Parsedown, assuming you have shell access to your WordPress, you can do:

    find /path/to/wordpress -name Parsedown.php

    If it’s a plugin you don’t need you can uninstall it. Or you can tell the developer to update their plugin to the latest Parsedown.

    Fortunately the documentation is markdown, so you can read it with any text editor or markdown editor: The documentation is in the docs folder of each plugin.

    For the main plugin, you can also read the documentation online via the github pages:


    I will see if I can make the plugin not require ParsedownExtra in the next release.

    Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have more questions.

    with regards

    in reply to: Use Tatum #13204


    Thank you for reaching out.

    Unfortunately I have decided that the Ethereum ecosystem is not one of my priorities, despite popular requests.

    The Ethereum accounts model does not fit well with the plugin, which requires funds to be in one wallet despite what address they come from. It would require complex gas management to transfer funds from deposit addresses and the solution would be ugly, errorprone and costly

    Furthermore, the framework you show me is a JavaScript framework, not a PHP framework. The plugin is a custodial (i.e. server-side) solution.

    Finally, I want to give priority to developing support for taproot assets (aka tarot) when I find the time to do so.

    If you or someone else is interested in developing a wallet adapter for the Infura API, I can provide some guidance. The place to start from is here: https://github.com/dashed-slug/wallets/blob/6.1.10/docs/developer.md#developing-wallet-adapters-wallet-adapters

    Again, thanks for the suggestion. Sorry that I can’t give you a better answer.

    with regards

    in reply to: Help needed with wallet adapter installation #13198


    1. You would need to hire a Linux server with adequate system resources. Check the requirements for Bitcoin core.

    2. Then, follow any installation instructions for Linux. For example: https://bitcoin.org/en/full-node#linux-instructions

    3. Finally, follow the plugin-specifc instructions: https://github.com/dashed-slug/wallets/blob/master/docs/install.md

    The plugin-specific instructions ask you to setup the bitcoin daemon as a service.

    You would also need to setup automatic backups to your wallet file in a secure manner.

    Finally, it’s not strictly necessary, but would be a good idea to harden your Linux installation’s security. How you do this depends on your distribution. For example, if you are on Debian: https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening

    Start by installing Bitcoin core on a Linux server and let me know where you get stuck.

    Please note, the advantage of this plugin is precisely the ability to connect to full node wallets. If you find it difficult to install and maintain a full node wallet, I am unable to undertake this for you. You may need to hire someone. However, I am always available to answer any questions you have about the process.

    with regards

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13194

    OK, I thought you had installed the lightning terminal because you managed to enter a tls.cert file. The installation instructions clearly call for installing the lightning terminal on Linux.

    You can use bitcoin core, which also must be installed on a Linux server. The installation instructions are in the plugin’s documentation:


    If you have any questions please post in General Discussion. This forum is for the LND adapter.

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13192


    I logged in to check. You had entered the IP address of the WordPress host. Instead, you should have used the IP address of the host where you have installed the Lightning Terminal. Additionally, the IP address is a v4 address, so I removed the square brackets. Square brackets are for v6 addresses.

    I am confused. You say that you are not using Linux. How did you follow the installation instructions then? Where have you installed the Lightning Terminal? The installation instructions require you to install the Lightning Terminal on a Linux host. Please clarify.

    with regards

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13189


    I logged in to your site to investigate.

    You are attempting to connect to an LND node on the localhost. However, the host is on a free WordPress hosting service that doesn’t seem to provide any SSH access. Have you really installed LND on the localhost?

    You are attempting to connect to port 9050 on localhost, which is the WordPress server itself. However this port doesn’t appear to be open. I checked with: $socket = @fsockopen('localhost', 9050, $errno, $errstr, 5);

    This returned an error indicating that there is no LND node, or other daemon, listening to this port on the WordPress host. Alternatively,

    Also please note that, the gRPC port is 8080 by default. If you want to use 9050 instead, you should have also set this port in the lncli.conf file, before starting your lncli service. I don’t recommend that you use 9050, because that’s usually the Tor port, which you may want to use now or in the future. Using Tor is optional.

    When the litd server starts, look for a log line that reads:

    [INF] RPCS: gRPC proxy started at

    In this case 8080 is the gRPC port. The IP however will be the public-facing IP of the server, not

    If I’m wrong or I misunderstood something, please let me know.

    To clarify, installing the LND wallet adapter requires you to install the Lightning Terminal on a Linux host.

    I see that you have entered a tls.cert file, which indicates that you have installed lncli somewhere. Is it really on the same machine?

    If you have installed the Lightning Terminal on another server, you should input the IP of that server into the “lnd host” field.


    1. If you have installed Lightning Terminal on a different server, change localhost to the IP of that server. Ensure that the port matches the gRPC port that your lnd node is listening to.

    2. If you are certain that the host and port you entered is correct, then this is a firewall issue. Contact your hosting providers about this. You want the gRPC port to be available for incoming connections from the IP of your WordPress site. The hosting providers of the server where the Lightning Terminal is installed will be able to help you with this.

    Hope this helps. Please let me know if you had success with the installation or if you encounter any more difficulties.

    with regards

    in reply to: Help needed with wallet adapter installation #13179


    1. Which wallet adapter are you trying to install? Are you referring to the LND adapter, or some other adapter?

    2. How far have you got with the installation instructions? What have you done so far?

    3. Where did you get stuck? What problem/error are you encountering?

    If you let me know, I can help.

    with regards

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13178


    The LND adapter supersedes the Bitcoin Core adapter. You don’t need both.

    Once the LND adapter is set up correctly, the Bitcoin balances are modified on L1 with [wallets_deposit] and [wallets_withdraw], and on L2 with [wallets_lnd_deposit] and [wallets_lnd_withdraw]. This allows you to have the same currency (Bitcoin) for Layer 1 and Layer 2.

    Thank you for emailing me credentials. Please also email me a login URL, so I can find your site!

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13167

    Yes I would need admin access to investigate. But first check the firewalls.

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13165

    Hello. This is a different error than before. It looks like progress.

    Have you checked the firewalls of the server where litd is installed?

    If this page does not load immediately, but takes a few seconds to load, then it’s possible that there is a timeout, which is usually due to firewalls.

    First determine what firewalls, if any, are active, both on your server and by your hosting provider.

    If your litd/lnd is on a rented server, you may also ask for support from the hosting provider about this. They may be running a firewall protecting all their hosts by default.

    The TCP port 8080 must be reachable from your WordPress machine.

    If you are still stuck after this, please contact me via email. You can email me credentials (username/password) so I can login to your WordPress site and check.

    Alternatively, you can check the error logs (PHP error logs, wordpress logs) for any details.

    Please check for any firewalls and let me know.

    with regards

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13157


    My apologies for taking this long to respond. Usually I aim to reply within 24 hours or less on working days, but something unexpected cropped up and I was away from my office.

    After you install the lit bundle on your server and run the server, the file is located by default in ~/.lit/tls.cert.

    Please see step #35 in the installation instructions:

    lnd Wallet Adapter extension

    You should paste the contents of the file into the wallet adapter settings.

    Additionally, please upgrade to version 0.2.0-beta of the adapter. This latest version has better error reporting. If there are problems with your connection, you will be able to see a meaningful error message in the adapter list.

    Please let me know if you encounter any more problems.

    with regards,

    in reply to: Im getting Error trying to download 2.0 #13156


    My apologies for taking this long to respond.

    Usually I aim to reply within 24 hours or less on working days, but something unexpected cropped up and I was away from my office.

    The issue with downloading has been fixed.

    Please let me know if you encounter any more problems.

    with regards,

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13145


    Thank you for providing a screenshot of the wallet adapter settings.

    There are two issues:

    1. You are using an IPv4 address, in square brackets []. Square brackets are for IPv6 addresses. Either remove the brackets, or simply type localhost to connect to the local host.

    2. You should add your tls.cert file.

    I will fix the adapter so that it displays a useful error in this case. Thank you for pointing this out.

    with regards

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13141

    OK, what about the PHP error log?

    Also, can you email me a screenshot with the wallet adapter settings?

    in reply to: Setting up the LND wallet adapter #13134

    Additionally, the second screenshot you showed is from a Bank Adapter, which is not relevant. The bank adapter is for performing manual bank transfers, and therefore it does not have a block height. You should create a wallet with the DSWallets\LND_Wallet_Adapter type, as explained here.

    Please email me any errors found in your admin email inbox or php error log.

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