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  • in reply to: latest price info? #4636

    This is something that I plan to implement in the future.

    The exchange could present an exchange rates provider to the parent plugin.

    Other than that, you can get the last market price with the wallets_api_market_summary filter.

    See the accompanying phpdoc for an example of how to call it.

    in reply to: Exchange #4635

    Let me rephrase this post..

    This is what i want to achieve – user to deposit Fiat into the fiat coin adapter – then choose to exchange that fiat in their wallet to crypto.

    Is this achiveble?

    in reply to: Checkout dropdown selector #4634

    I have same issue – how to display the option to choose crypto that has enough balance in the choose payment page/option page.

    Please see the screenshots… I dont find any option either to choose what crypto i want to pay with.

    View post on imgur.com

    in reply to: No walletnotify problem ? #4627

    Hi, that’s a good question!

    The plugin does not rely on the walletnotify mechanism to discover deposits. It is there only so that the plugin gets notified faster about new transactions. blocknotify is not currently used but it may be used in the future.

    The plugin scrapes transactions from the wallet on cron, using the listtransactions RPC command. You can see the relevant code here: https://github.com/dashed-slug/wallets/blob/master/includes/coin-adapter-rpc.php#L693-L746

    Once the scraper discovers a new transaction, it passes the TXID to the same mechanism that walletsnotify uses. The transaction is then analyzed and if it is an incoming deposit for one of the known deposit addresses, it is recorder. If it is an update on a withdrawal, the new confirmation count is recorded.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    in reply to: There seems to be a problem with the deposit. #4625

    OK, this is definitely due to the IPN messages failing. Have you checked Wordfence? Any new plugins/servers/firewalls, etc?

    in reply to: Request additional translation #4624

    It is already translatable, but it is in the admin language domain. Since this message is displayed in the frontend I will add it to wallets-exchange-front. Thanks!

    in reply to: Customize referral system #4623

    The claim.php file in the faucet code uses the wallets_api_move action to perform internal transfers.

    This is documented here: https://wallets-phpdoc.dashed-slug.net/classes/Dashed_Slug_Wallets_PHP_API.html#method_api_move_action

    in reply to: Exchange not working #4619

    CoinPayments is not used in the plugin as an exchange rates provider but as a wallet, via a coin adapter.

    Exchange rates are pulled from other sources, but these are not historical. These are current exchange rates that are used to do calculations.

    Your exchange is currently empty and it cannot “borrow” liquidity from another one. This plugin is an exchange itself, not a frontend to a remote exchange. So, unfortunately, what you are proposing is not possible.

    The same is true for the bids/asks table: You can enter any bids or asks you want. In theory, as your exchange grows, there will be price discovery, and prices should converge to whatever the market value is for a coin, due to the actions of people performing arbitrage.

    Hope this is a bit clearer.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Custom Fiat Currencies #4617

    Not at the moment. The list is retrieved from fixer.io. This has already been requested. There will be a way to add to the list of fiat currencies soon.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Exchange not working #4616


    Your screenshot shows the plugin working as expected.

    If it is a new setup, it is expected that the orderbook and price charts are empty.

    As you and others enter orders, the orderbooks will fill.

    When some of these orders match, there will be candlesticks in the chart. First the smaller timeframes will fill, then as time passes, the longer timeframes will also show candlesticks.

    Please let me know if you have any more questions.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Customize referral system #4615

    There is no easy way to do this.

    You could hook into whatever event you are interested in rewarding, then use get_user_meta to retrieve the referrer id. Finally, use the move action to transfer coins from one account to another.

    If you are going to reward users for logging in you must rate-limit this somehow, otherwise your users will be logging in constantly. I would store the last login timestamp in another user meta and check if some time has elapsed.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Possible important issue #4609

    Hello and thank you for reporting this.

    It does not look like a very important problem, as these numbers are simply there as an indication for the admin. The important thing is the actual transactions recorded, not the displayed sum. The Sum of user balances is shown red always when it is greater than the hot wallet balance.

    In any case I will fix this bug in the next release. Thank you for noticing!

    kind regards

    in reply to: Customize referral system #4606

    User meta is accessible with the WordPress function get_user_meta().

    in reply to: coinhive captcha? #4605


    This has been requested before. It is a good idea but I haven’t had the time to implement it since there are more important tasks ahead. Hopefully I will do it some day.

    Keep in mind that people might be ok with it, but many browsers and addons usually consider it malicious and block it. I am not sure about this but it’s possible that even search engines might be using it as a negative signal in their rankings.

    kind regards

    in reply to: Plugin crashes my site #4599

    Instructions for enabling debugging are here:

    Simply add to your wp-config.php:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );

    In any case, it seems from your screenshots that the plugin fails to read information about the installed extensions. This should happen only when you attempt to view the Dashboard section. Not sure about the exact reason but I could add some guard code to make this fail gracefully.

    Do you see a problem when you visit any other page in your admin interface?


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