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Connect your WordPress to a Bitcoin cloud wallet service

Connect your WordPress to a Bitcoin cloud wallet service

Version 2.0.0 of the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets free WordPress plugin features compatibility with a new coin adapter, plus many more improvements.

Today is a big milestone for the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets free WordPress plugin. Version 2.0.0 is released, featuring compatibility with a new coin adapter, as well as various other improvements.

Version 2.0.0 of the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets free WordPress plugin features compatibility with a new coin adapter, plus many more improvements.

Let’s look into what this bump to the major version number amounts to:

  1. A much requested feature was to somehow avoid having to run a full Bitcoin node. A suggested temporary workaround was to use the bittiraha lightweight wallet. This is easier on your server’s resources as it is a wallet that does not maintain a local copy of the blockchain, but it is still a piece of software that you need to run and maintain on a machine you own. A simpler solution is to interface with the cloud wallet service. Registered members of dashed-slug can download this premium coin adapter extension and use it straight away with version 2.0.0 of the Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets free WordPress plugin.
  2. Using means that your users can now have bitcoin, litecoin and dogecoin accounts.
  3. The notification mechanism for incoming deposits, based on wp_cron and introduced in the last version, has been greatly improved. The bittiraha wallet will also work smoother now because of this. Classic RPC daemons such as bitcoind, litecoind, and feathercoind will also benefit from the mechanism, which will function as a backup to the already existing deposit notification mechanism (based on -walletnotify). This translates to more robustness. If the notification mechanism fails or is not correctly setup, any missing deposits are guaranteed to be picked up at the next cron heartbeat.
  4. Major improvements throughout the code that are too technical to mention here.

If you are a registered member and have installed any of the previously available coin adapters, please update them to their latest versions:

Today version 1.0.0 of the Cloud Wallet Adapter extension is released. The WooCommerce Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway extension is unaffected by this update.

As always, please use the support forum on for any issues, suggestions, and general feedback regarding the free plugin, or the support section on this site for any feedback regarding the premium plugin extensions that are available to registered members.




  1. I want to download the bitcoin wallet adapter but i was denied access. Please advise how and what am to do.

    1. Hello and thanks for your interest in the coin adapter extensions.

      Access to the premium extensions on this site and to support for these extensions is for paying members only. With $10 per 3 months you get access to all premium extensions and priority support.

      Apologies if the site did not make this clear.


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