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How to deposit, withdraw, trade fiat currencies and checkout a cart

dashed-slug.net Forums Fiat Coin Adapter extension support How to deposit, withdraw, trade fiat currencies and checkout a cart

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  • #8960

    Hello Alex,

    How does admin manually add up or subtract a user fiat balance from the admin panel?
    how do users transfer fiat balances to each other?
    how do users purchase a coin, product with their fiat balance?

    pls, help



    How does admin manually add up or subtract a user fiat balance from the admin panel?

    There is by design no direct way for an admin to alter fiat balances or other balances. However there are some exceptions:

    1. You can always perform an airdrop of fiat or other coins to a user role.
    2. As an admin you can also perform a fiat deposit to a user. Simply get the user’s deposit “address” for that fiat coin, from WalletsDeposit addresses. Then go to ToolsFiat Deposits, enter the deposit “address” in the “reference code” field, and on the next screen enter an amount to deposit.
    3. In the WalletsTransactions screen, you can see all transactions, including fiat deposits. As an admin, you can cancel any such deposit. Cancelling a deposit means that the amount is no longer added to the user’s balance.

    how do users transfer fiat balances to each other?

    Using the [wallets_move] UI, just like with any other crypto coin.

    how do users purchase a coin, product with their fiat balance?

    Normally users would perform bank transfers to deposit fiat currencies, as described in the adapter’s homepage. Users would then use the special UIs [wallets_fiat_deposit] and [wallets_fiat_withdraw]. Please see the adapter’s homepage for details.

    You ask how users can purchase a fiat coin. Users can purchase a coin from the exchange extension, as long as you have set up the appropriate markets. There must also be limit orders on the orderbook, so that users can then trade their other coins with that fiat coin. If all of the above is set up, then users can use any one of the order placement UIs:

    • [wallets_exchange_market_buy] – Allows user to place an instant market order to buy the quote against the base.
    • [wallets_exchange_market_sell] – Allows user to place an instant market order to sell the quote against the base.
    • [wallets_exchange_limit_buy] – Allows user to place a limit order to buy the quote against the base.
    • [wallets_exchange_limit_sell] – Allows user to place a limit order to sell the quote against the base.
    • [wallets_exchange_market_order] – Allows user to easily exchange a cryptocurrency for another by placing a market buy or sell order on an appropriate market.

    how do users purchase a coin, product with their fiat balance?

    Finally you asked how users can purchase a product using a fiat coin. The process is no differnt than with other cryptocurrencies.
    IF the exchange rate between that coin and the WooCommerce default currency is known (see WalletsExchange Rates), AND if the user holds sufficient balance to pay for a cart, then the user will be presented with an option to pay with that fiat currency on the cart checkout. For more information on how checkout works, read the Payment Gateway homepage under “Troubleshooting” and “FAQ”.

    with regards

    P.S. In the future if possible please post one question per thread if you can. This makes it easier for me and for others reading this forum later.

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