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User Authentication before withdrawal

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion User Authentication before withdrawal

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  • #6009

    Hello everyone Here.

    I am working on a Client project I am considering Using the bitcoin Wallet.

    How ever they requested a feature I am not sure if its already implemented here.

    They Want users to have some PIN to confirm before withdrawing from their wallets.

    E.g when you click on withdraw you will need to put Your Unique Pin before you proceed, for security purposes.

    Any solution for this?

    Thank you all.



    You can enable user confirmation via email or admin confirmation via dashboard here: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wallets-menu-confirmations

    Philipp #CoinVaultOne



    Yes, that is correct. There is no PIN, but you can have verification that only the email holder is performing withdrawals. I would argue that this is more secure than a PIN in some situations.

    with regards

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