OK. If I understood the problem correctly: Can you just replace all the wrong ticker symbols in the db with the right one?
Hopefully you are doing these experiments on a dev/integration server and not production. Simply delete all transactions and addresses for these two ticker symbols and start again.
If you are in a production environment, keep a backup of the entire DB state.
Then, substitute all symbol columns in the addresses table and transactions tables. I guess that something like the following should work:
UPDATE wp_wallets_txs SET symbol='NEW' WHERE symbol='OLD';
UPDATE wp_wallets_adds SET symbol='NEW' WHERE symbol='OLD';
Hopefully you won’t get too many collisions on the unique constraints.
Let me know if this helps. If not, restore your backup and we’ll try something else.
with regards
P.S. I have moved your query to a new thread as it is unrelated to the previous thread.