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Giving coins to users programmatically

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Giving coins to users programmatically

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  • #11578

    Well that kinda makes more sense now lol, thank you about that account ID information. I been very curious about how far I could go with your plugin and I been sitting on a idea of setting up a form of Payment Gateway/Payment Processor using the account balances. I got the script to read specific user balances and ensure that funds are there and can be used to transfer among other users fee-less so it’s possible to make a form of Virtual Payment Handler where I could use my site’s balances to pay for In-App Purchases on my mobile games or use a Arduino to handle payments for person to person transactions for vendors at a quick pop up event (or maybe vending machines and ‘ATM’ setup).


    Sounds great.

    If I understand correctly, you want to create a coin adapter. Coin adapters conenct wallets to the plugin.

    A coin adapter is a PHP object that notifies the plugin about incoming deposits in the wallet, and sends withdrawal requests to the wallet.

    Unfortunately, the current coin adapters needed to be refactored. In the upcoming wallets6 release, they will be replaced with wallet adapters, a similar but different class. So, if you create a coin adapter now, it won’t work in wallets6 without modification. But the change was necessary, in order to decouple wallets from currencies, and to make it easier to declare adapter settings.

    TL;DR You can look at the provided coin adapters to see how to implement a concrete subclass of Dashed_Slug_Wallets_Coin_Adapter. It will require some, but not much, modification to work for wallets6, the upcoming major release. I can help you with this, ask me any questions.

    with regards

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