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error in page source

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion error in page source


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  • #2554

    Hey Alexg,

    Hope you doing good. I found one error in page source, how do i sort it out? following is the error

    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var wallets_ko_i18n = {"op_failed":"Wallet operation failed due to an unexpected error","op_failed_msg":"Wallet operation failed: %s","contact_fail":"Could not contact server. Status: %s Error: %s","invalid_add":"Check to see if you have typed the address correctly!","deposit":"deposit","withdraw":"withdraw","move":"transfer","unconfirmed":"unconfirmed","pending":"pending","done":"done","failed":"failed","cancelled":"cancelled","submit_tx":"Successfully submitted a transaction request of %s %s. Please check your e-mail for confirmation instructions.","submit_wd":"Successfully submitted a withdrawal request of %s %s to %s. Please check your e-mail for confirmation instructions."};
    var walletsUserData = {"baseSymbol":"USD","pollIntervalCoinInfo":"5","pollIntervalTransactions":"5"};
    /* ]]> */


    This does not look like an error.

    This is some data that the PHP backend passes to the frontend JavaScript code. The mechanism used is wp_localize_script() which is a WordPress function used to attach custom data to scripts. See more here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_localize_script

    However the data you show me seems to be HTML-escaped. I do not know why you see this data escaped. When I inspect a page using Firefox I get this:

    EDIT: Correction, your data is not escaped, it looks good. I was looking at a copy of your message in my email where it was HTML-escaped.


    1. Do you get an error in your JavaScript console?
    2. Which browser and version are you using?


    Hey Alex

    Check justclam.com … probably you may need to register .. as script loads in wallet page only… and also your suggestion if any, would be appreciated.




    The code you mentioned above is correct and does not cause any problem as far as I can tell.

    You have another error in your JavaScript console, coming from a file titled clamlive.js:

    TypeError: wrapper is null clamlive.js:8:2

    kind regards


    Thanks Alex,

    I have seen this clamlive.js error .. it shows up once in a while and i have no idea to get it fixed…



    You could try contacting the developer of that code.


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