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All time i have problem connect to server

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    All time i have problem to connect to server

    Any shortcode not downloaded. Error —

    Page https://www.timaxpay.com/crypto_wallet/

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    This looks interesting. First of all, I have to ask, have you by any chance enabled WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY in your wp-config.php? If you did, try turning it off again. When it’s on, any PHP errors from any plugin can be written out to the JSON output.

    If you still see the error after turning this off:

    The error indicates that one of the responses of the JSON API endpoints is malformed for some reason. Without looking at the output I cannot tell which one.

    If you like, you can email me some user credentials and I can log in to your site and see what’s wrong. Administrator access is not required, simply a user with the has_wallets and related capabilities.

    Another thing you can try is to disable some of the other plugins and see if it makes any difference.

    Email me if you wish for me to have a closer look.

    with regards


    Hi, this forum is public so it’s best not to post any passwords here. I have deleted your post for this reason.

    Please change the password, then send me the new credentials via email.

    If you don’t, people can login to your site and install backdoors.

    let me know



    Thank you for providing access. I was able to login and navigate to the “crypto wallets” page, by did not see the error you encountered. I used both Firefox and Google Chrome.

    However, I did see another JavaScript error, coming from some SEO/Google Analytics plugin. It looks like a common syntax error. In the following code:

    links_out.forEach(function (link, key, listObj){
    	if (!link.href.match(/.*\.(zip|mp3*|mpe*g|pdf|docx*|pptx*|xlsx*|rar*)(\?.*)?$/) {
    		if (link.href.indexOf('mysite.example') == -1) {
    			link.addEventListener('click', function (e){ ga('send', 'event', 'outbound', 'click', e.target.href, {'nonInteraction': 1}); }); }); } }});

    There is a missing closing bracket after the condition of the first if statement. Ideally you should contact the developers of this plugin to let them know.

    For now, first try to disable your SEO or analytics plugin, and see if this makes a difference.

    I am still not sure why you saw that other error regarding JSON responses. I did not see that error. But before we look into this any further, first disable the SEO plugin and let me know please if it makes any difference.

    with regards

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