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Reply To: Error Exchange not working

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support Error Exchange not working Reply To: Error Exchange not working


Error on console:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Unable to process binding “css: function(){return {‘green-foreground’:percent_change_24 > 0,’red-foreground’:percent_change_24 < 0,’selected-market’:market == $root.selectedMarket(),’base-fiat’:base_fiat,’quote-fiat’:quote_fiat,’base-crypto’:base_crypto,’quote-crypto’:quote_crypto} }”
Message: percent_change_24 is not defined
at css (eval at parseBindingsString (knockout-latest.min.js:74), <anonymous>:3:83)
at update (knockout-latest.min.js:99)
at a.$.l (knockout-latest.min.js:79)
at Function.yd (knockout-latest.min.js:55)
at Function.zd (knockout-latest.min.js:55)
at Function.ha (knockout-latest.min.js:54)
at Object.a.o.a.$ (knockout-latest.min.js:52)
at knockout-latest.min.js:79
at Object.D (knockout-latest.min.js:11)
at p (knockout-latest.min.js:78)