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Reply To: I made a deposit into a wallet of a new user I created and it did not show up…

dashed-slug.net Forums TurtleCoin Adapter extension support I made a deposit into a wallet of a new user I created and it did not show up… Reply To: I made a deposit into a wallet of a new user I created and it did not show up…



Ah! OK, thank you.

Even though the hot wallet balance is 22 ARMS, the user balance should be the sum of the user’s transactions, as they appear in the plugin’s ledger (Wallets -> Transactions).

It’s good to see that your wallet appears synced. I will upload today a patch where, if logging is enabled, the coin adapter will write to the logs the block height of the network, the wallet, and the coin adapter. While both the network and wallet heights are 0 it will also emit a warning that the wallet may not be syncing. This will hopefully help others trying to setup the adapter.

The reason that the deposit is not going through is that, as you say, there is a payment ID. For Monero transactions, the CoinPayments platform uses only one address for all Monero deposits, and distinguishes between its users via a payment ID. Therefore the plugin has to check the Payment ID too before determining that a deposit belongs to a user. You should instruct your users not to use a payment id for now, because it’s always considered part of the address, and this is true for all coins and all deposits.

I don’t consider this to be a bug. In many major exchanges, if you send coins with the wrong Payment ID, your deposit will not be debited to your account. Users should deposit to the address they see in the [wallets_deposit] UI. If they add a payment ID that is not shown in the UI, it’s as if they were sending to a different address. This is something that users should expect, but ideally you should warn about this in the deposit UI. If you want to output custom HTML over or under the deposit UI, you can use the actions: wallets_ui_before_deposit and wallets_ui_after_deposit.

In the upcoming wallets6, the architecture is inverted to improve on this: The wallet adapter itself creates the deposit and passes it to the plugin’s ledger. So each wallet adapter can decide how to match the address of the incoming deposit against known deposit addresses. The wallet adapter can then decide whether to match the payment ID, or just the base address, thus giving finer control to the adapter developer.

Your cron jobs are likely running or you wouldn’t have seen the first deposit either. The fact that your first deposit is discovered and is shown in the plugin’s ledger means that the plugin is behaving as expected.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or if you spot any other issues.

with regards

EDIT: The latest version 0.1.5-beta of the coin adapter only has better logging, it should behave the same as 0.1.4-beta (Logging must first be enabled in wp-config.php)