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Reply To: Distinguishing between fiat/crypto coins in the frontend UI

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support Distinguishing between fiat/crypto coins in the frontend UI Reply To: Distinguishing between fiat/crypto coins in the frontend UI


Hello Alex,

Thanks for the release, excellent work.

I does want to convince you to do something that can cause issues as you mention. I am just trying to discuss about solutions.

What I cannot agree, is about removing the customs feature. To much work and suggestions were made in order to make it working, and it does verry well, except showing in the deposit and withrawal sections, which is not a big issue. Where is that you see a mess?

I would much appreciate if you can guide me with some css tips for hiding them from the dropdown menus in wallets-deposits and wallets-wtihdrawals if possible.

Maybe this could be a new topic, about givin to admins to enable deposits and withdrawals of available coins. It a general solution that fits very well. Event coinpaimnts give the choice to block withdrawals and deposits, if I remember well.

Thanks as usual

Best regards