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Reply To: Distinguishing between fiat/crypto coins in the frontend UI

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support Distinguishing between fiat/crypto coins in the frontend UI Reply To: Distinguishing between fiat/crypto coins in the frontend UI


Hi Alex,

I updated to the mentioned version, and as I could see it is a good solution. I had to adapt my concept but at the end it fits very well with my ends.

The only think I would like to see, is on the general solution, like distiguishing between crypto/fiat/custom clearly on the balances template (becaue even if fiat/custom goes toghether it is not the same at all… and could lead to some bad purposes like scams).

As my previous thoughts,, please Alex, the issue regarding customs appearing in the Deposit and the Wightrawals templates should be fixed. As you could mention, a general approach enabling to admin authirizing which coin can be withdrawd/deposited/transfered could be a much better approach than focusing on one type. Please give to it a solution.

Thanks as usual, much appreciated your excellent work.

Best regards