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Reply To: Suggestion: Also show QR code for tip deposits

dashed-slug.net Forums Tip the Author extension support Suggestion: Also show QR code for tip deposits Reply To: Suggestion: Also show QR code for tip deposits


Hello Alex,

I appreciate your consideration and your dedication.

I think this features will allow a much use of it, and also would improve useracquisition.

For the displayed form for nonloggedin users, some text forms like providing a username (anonymous by default) for the comments they want to write, and for some kind of reminder “do you have an account? if so, you can do it dricetly from your wallet! If no, register here” (with the option for the admin to set the registration page url).

If the user is logged in, the form showd include both options, an internal move from his wllts and the author deposit adress and qr to allow external depst.

Well, those are just some ideas if you want to consider them when you will be bak to this app. Sure you can do better.

Thanks Alex, I look forward into this

Best regards