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Reply To: Update



With every release I include a CHANGELOG.html file, which lists all changes.


  • Fix: Remove unneeded assets from distribution.
  • Improve: Version number is now included in asset filenames to combat aggressive caches.
  • Improve: If there are at least two currencies available that can be shifted, set the second one as destination currency by default.
  • Improve: Minimum and maximum limits for the amount to shift are now displayed as validation errors, not placeholder text in the input field.
  • Fix: Minimum and maximum amounts allowed are now taking into account any fees payable to the site (not only ShapeShift fees).
  • Add: Entry in plugins list now has “News” link that points to the dashed-slug.net blog’s tag for this component.

The only change that could have any effect on performance between 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 is the addition of version numbers in assets. This is something that I do with all the plugins. It ensures that every asset (CSS or JS) loaded by the browser is definitely the one packaged with this p[articular version. This should only slow down your browser a bit, the first time you load the page after updating the plugin. I have to do this because other methods of circumventing the caching of assets are not reliable. Some caches will ignore the GET parameter timestamps that WordPress adds for this purpose.

If you want to measure performance changes it’s best to do it with numbers. For example, you could use chrome’s lighthouse to obtain some numbers with 1.1.1 and with 1.1.2. You can find Lighthouse in the dev console (F12) under the “Audits” tab.

Is the slowdown you experience significant? Which browser were you using?