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Reply To: Not processing orders



Thanks for your reply. From what you said I’m guessing you are not using WC Marketplace. If I understood correctly, your theme includes similar functionality (i.e. multivendor marketplace), and introduces its own type of sellers. Correct me if I’m wrong.

If this is so, then this payment gateway is probably not compatible with that theme. I do provide compatibility with WC Marketplace but even that has some pending issues at the moment which I’m working on.

To find out if your theme causes the problem, simply switch to a standard theme (TwentySeventeen, Storefront, etc) and try to place an order, and see if it works.

Remember I can only solve problems that I can reproduce on my machine, so if this is a problem that’s particular to the theme you’re using I have no way of investigating.

Let me know please. Thanks.

with regards