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Reply To: Fiat Withdrawals


I am also having trouble withdrawing fiat from a user. When attempting to mark the payment “Done” from the fiat withdrawal tool the error is, “Cannot withdraw 9908.490000 USD because only 0.995750 is available.”

The user doesn’t have any pending trades or transactions.

available fiat balance

I tried adjusting the available balance using the cold storage address, but deposit tool returned an error, “Could not find reference code for deposit.”

Does the hot wallet fiat balance need to be available? What am I doing wrong?

The user’s available fiat balance:
user available balance

Thanks again!

When using the USD deposit reference code from the the Users > Profile page. It appears the funds are credited but never available.

I can fix the balances by canceling all of the USD credits in the Wallets > Transaction page.

I notice the USD Fiat withdraws are locked in the adapter page. I haven’t found a way to unlock USD fiat withdrawals. Every time I try to use the admin withdrawal tool I get, “Cannot withdraw 100.000000 USD because only 0.000000 is available.”

I’m sure it’s some kind of error on my side.