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Reply To: Version of plugin 4.0 gives error and wp stops working.

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Version of plugin 4.0 gives error and wp stops working. Reply To: Version of plugin 4.0 gives error and wp stops working.


Thank you.

Is it possible for you to provide me with the information I requested in my previous post?


1. The information found in the dashboard. For example:

Plugin version 	4.0.1
Git SHA 	3e011ed9
Web Server 	nginx/1.12.1
PHP version 	7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.10.1
WordPress version 	5.1-beta3-44721
MySQL version 	5.7.22-0ubuntu0.17.10.1-log
DB prefix 	wp_
Is multisite 	false
Is network activated 	false
PHP max execution time 	30
DB storage engine for 'wp_wallets_txs' 	InnoDB
DB storage engine for 'wp_wallets_adds' 	InnoDB
Constant 'WP_DEBUG' 	true
Constant 'WP_DEBUG_LOG' 	true
Constant 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY' 	false
Constant 'DISABLE_WP_CRON' 	n/a
Constant 'DSWALLETS_FILE' 	/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wallets/wallets.php
Constant 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT' 	40M
PHP.ini 'memory_limit' 	256M
Cron jobs last ran on 	Thu, 31 Jan 19 13:44:18 +0000
Cron jobs last runtime (sec) 	4
Cron jobs peak memory: 	8022672
Cron jobs memory delta: 	4936
PHP Extension 'curl' 	Loaded
PHP Extension 'mbstring' 	Loaded
PHP Extension 'zlib' 	Loaded
Active wallets extensions 	wallets-exchange 0.6.0-beta, wallets-fiat 0.2.0-beta, wallets-multiadapter 1.0.5
Network-active wallets extensions 	n/a 

2. any logs written out when you enable the setting “Wallets” -> “Cron job” -> “Verbose log output (debug)”.

For example, here’s what I get on my machine:

[31-Jan-2019 13:43:32 UTC] Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets cron jobs STARTED. Elapsed: 0 sec, Mem delta: 0 bytes, Mem peak: 9159928 bytes, PHP / WP mem limits: 256 MB / 40 MB
[31-Jan-2019 13:43:32 UTC] Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets Fiat coin adapter for USD cron job finished. Elapsed: 0 sec, Mem delta: 17544 bytes, Mem peak: 9159928 bytes, PHP / WP mem limits: 256 MB / 40 MB
[31-Jan-2019 13:43:32 UTC] Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets Fiat coin adapter for EUR cron job finished. Elapsed: 0 sec, Mem delta: 17544 bytes, Mem peak: 9159928 bytes, PHP / WP mem limits: 256 MB / 40 MB
[31-Jan-2019 13:43:36 UTC] Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets Bitcoin core node cron job finished. Elapsed: 4 sec, Mem delta: 4192 bytes, Mem peak: 9159928 bytes, PHP / WP mem limits: 256 MB / 40 MB
[31-Jan-2019 13:43:36 UTC] Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets cron jobs FINISHED. Elapsed: 4 sec, Mem delta: 3752 bytes, Mem peak: 9159928 bytes, PHP / WP mem limits: 256 MB / 40 MB

If you can give me the same information from your server, it will help me a lot. Thank you.

Also, did you check that the adapters are unlocked? Go to the adapters list and check please. If the adapters are unlocked, they will have an open padlock sign such as: ? If they are locked, you will see this: ?