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Reply To: Insufficient funds and the order is completed, negative balance

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support Insufficient funds and the order is completed, negative balance Reply To: Insufficient funds and the order is completed, negative balance


Again, I am unable to reproduce this on exchange 0.5.3-beta and wallets 3.9.2. To be clear:

1. In all my tests it is impossible to buy a coin without having a base currency balance, and impossible to sell a coin without a quote currency balance.
2. Moreover, if any error occurs, the DB transaction is rolled back, so there is no executed trade.

You mentioned that you are testing in a private website.

Is it possible for you to give me access to your test server and give me instructions on how to reproduce the problem? If you can, please let me know, because I am running out of ideas.

If you cannot give me access to your test server, could you please send me complete instructions of what you did, so I can test on my machine? I would need to know the amount, exchange rate and direction (bid/ask) of the initial order, and the same details of the matching order that is performed by the second user, who has no balance.

If you can point me to one example of this defect, I will be able to provide a solution ASAP.

thank you

with regards