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Reply To: Does not work for all cryptonote based coins

dashed-slug.net Forums Monero Wallet Adapter extension support Does not work for all cryptonote based coins Reply To: Does not work for all cryptonote based coins


Sure Alex, I know you are busy.

So I did a little bit of investigation and found out that some cryptonote based wallets such as Karbowanec and Elya does not have the “get_accounts” rpc command.

How can I replace/fix this?

These are the RPC commands available on Karbowanec (https://github.com/seredat/karbowanec/wiki/RPC-Wallet-API)

Get status
Get view key
Get spend keys
Get addresses
Create address
Delete address
Get balance
Get block hashes
Get transaction hashes
Get transactions
Get unconfirmed transaction hashes
Get transaction
Send transaction
Get status
Estimate fusion
Send fusion transaction
Validate address