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Reply To: ull Node Multi Coin Adapter extension



It looks like you are trying to create small plugins to add functionality to the multiadapter.

Your code is hooking into the the wallets_multiadapter_coins filter. This requires some basic knowledge of PHP. Simply make sure that your functions are not the same. For example you could have these functions:

function wallets_multiadapter_coins_dgb_filter( $coins ) {

add_filter( 'wallets_multiadapter_coins', 'wallets_multiadapter_coins_dgb_filter' );

function wallets_multiadapter_coins_pot_filter( $coins ) {

add_filter( 'wallets_multiadapter_coins', 'wallets_multiadapter_coins_pot_filter' );

You can name your functions anything you like as long as they are not the same.

with regards