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Reply To: Checkout dropdown selector


This is great.

Thank you Alex for this update. I just installed it and it solved my issue regarding order settings for multivndrs. As I commented you before, for now all disbursls must be in fiat, what is in my opinion appropriate in the current context in terms of adoption and legal terms in some countries, so it’s OK.

I tested many transctions and it is OK. Just when there si no crypto balance sufficient for payments there is no message indicating to the user that he has no sufficient balance in any crypto when he selects the crypto method paymet. I forced checkout leaving unchecked the box of agreements, and the message I got is: “The exchange rate for the selected cryptocurrency is not currently available. Please try again later or choose to pay with another currency or payment method.”

About the position of dropdown selector, maybe I did not explained myself correctly. What I meant is placing the dropdown selector where the payement selector. Right in the place where it appears the message “Pay from the selected cryptcurrey wallt. Set the “Crptourrec” field at “Billing Details” above.”, juste like when paying with credit card, a form appears. I thought thay is woocmrce settings and not the theme.
Thank you Alex again, trully appreciated,

Best regards

P.S Sorry about that, it’s noted for the next time