I reply to all queries on the forums and via email, once per day, Monday to Friday (not weekends).

If you are new here, please see some information on how to ask for support. Thank you!

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I will fix this on the next release. The change will require a schema upgrade and will allow up to 8 characters for symbols. This should be sufficient for any coin.

Thank you very much for your membership. I do not require payment for the change. If you wish to donate to the project you are always welcome to do so.

The standard donation addresses are:

Bitcoin Address: 1DaShEDyeAwEc4snWq14hz5EBQXeHrVBxy
DOGE Address: DASHEDj9RrTzQoJvP3WC48cFzUerKcYxHc
LTC Address: LdaShEdER2UuhMPvv33ttDPu89mVgu4Arf

Or you can donate SCOOBY to SMbCzz6R1k2aGTYanbLZfy5tCcz1DaZP9v if you wish.