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Reply To: Form does not display

dashed-slug.net Forums Tip the Author extension support Form does not display Reply To: Form does not display


Alex, I made the next operations:

1. I disabled all plugins except wallets and tip the author: Not working, the same, the button appears but when clicking the form is empty.

2. I switched to Twenty Seventeen theme with all plugins disabled except wallets and tip the author: Not working, the same, the button appears but when clicking the form is empty.

3. I enabled debugging log and display with other plugins enabled and without: Nothin special related with wallets or tip the author, no critical errors.

Just in Opera browser, in the console I’ve got:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED/xxx/xxx/?__wallets_apiversion=2&__wallets_action=get_nonces&_=1528983453027:1
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED

4. I tested disabling modsecurity in cpanel: Not working, the same issue.

Something else I can try?

Thank you in advance,

Best regards

PS: I updated to latest version of wallets plugin