I reply to all queries on the forums and via email, once per day, Monday to Friday (not weekends).

If you are new here, please see some information on how to ask for support. Thank you!

Reply To: Form does not display

dashed-slug.net Forums Tip the Author extension support Form does not display Reply To: Form does not display


Yes, I checked everything according to documentation before posting any comment on support forum. Maybe there is something that escapes me. All users have has_wallets capability and I made test with twos different users in orther to tip the posts of each other.

The button “Tip the author” it shows up, but when clicking to open the form, the form is just empty.

If you have any suggestion that I can test, I would be grateful. If not, please allow me some time to install the payroll extension to see if there is any issues, and I will send you an email.

Thank you in advance Alex,

Best regards