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Reply To: White screen of death



Thanks for reporting. You’ve already done the first step which is to identify the component that causes the problem.

The best way to debug this is to disable your theme, then observe the logs while enabling the theme. If you cannot access the admin screens to deactivate the theme, simply delete its directory from wp-content/themes

There will be some PHP error written out at the moment when the theme is being enabled. If you have ssh access to your server, use tail -f on your PHP error log. This should be somewhere under /var/log on most Unix systems.

You should also enable WordPress logging: https://codex.wordpress.org/Debugging_in_WordPress

This will let you observe a log at wp-content/debug.log. At the very minimum I would recommend that you insert the following to your wp-config.php:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );

Please post here any errors that are generated at the moment the white screen is shown. We will then need to decide if this is something that I need to fix or if it needs to be fixed by the theme developers.

kind regards