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If you are new here, please see some information on how to ask for support. Thank you!

Reply To: Premium Membership

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Premium Membership Reply To: Premium Membership



If you want to provide a CLAM adapter, you might find it easier to do this using the new multi-adapter, which works for many coins:

Full Node Multi Coin Adapter extension

You should then have no problem implementing a CLAM faucet.

It is possible that PayPal does not accept your bank or credit card.

You are welcome to pay for membership via cryptocurrencies if you wish.

Please send the equivalent of $9.95 at one of the following addresses and I will activate your three month membership manually.

Bitcoin Address: 1DaShEDyeAwEc4snWq14hz5EBQXeHrVBxy
DOGE Address: DASHEDj9RrTzQoJvP3WC48cFzUerKcYxHc
LTC Address: LdaShEdER2UuhMPvv33ttDPu89mVgu4Arf

kind regards