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Reply To: Error cron “The wp_cron tasks have not run in the past 4 hours…”

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Error cron “The wp_cron tasks have not run in the past 4 hours…” Reply To: Error cron “The wp_cron tasks have not run in the past 4 hours…”



Are you seeing this error continuously, or did you only see it once and then it disappeared?

If your site is not getting any traffic, the cron jobs would not run. This is to be expected.

If you continue to see this error immediately after visiting the site, let me know. You may need to trigger cron manually. One way to ensure cron jobs are running, is to trigger the cron URL with a curl command on cPanel’s cron.

If you want, show me a screenshot of your cPanel cron settings and I’ll let you know if I see any problems.

Just a warning: the marketplace functionality is going to be removed in wallets6 because it is buggy. Sorry about this. If you want to use the existing buggy implementation, you must keep wallets 5.x, but soon there will not be support for it. You have been warned.

with regards