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Reply To: Exchange and balance determiner

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support Exchange and balance determiner Reply To: Exchange and balance determiner



The issue you describe has nothing to do with the airdrop.

In the screenshot you show me the UI for market orders (rather than limit orders).

Market orders occur at the current market price. If there have never been any trades on your market, then there is no existing market price.

As I explain on the Exchange homepage, the markets are not connected in any way to any other external markets. It is up to you or other users to place limit orders so that an orderbook exists on your site. Price is derived from the orderbook. I have tried to make this limitation clear on the exchange’s homepage.

So, start by placing some limit orders around the price that you want your market to have. Once there is at least one trade performed on the market, then the market-order UI can know what the price of the market is.

The lock shown next to fiat withdrawals is shown as expected. Fiat withdrawals are only performed manually. The lock simply means that there is no automated withdrawal. I do not plan to add any automated withdrawal features for fiat currencies, as I have explained many times on this forum.

Please let me know if you have any more questions about the plugins.

with regards