First release of Paywall app extension for Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets

This new app extension for Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets allows you to create subscriptions for your users.
Subscriptions can be priced in any standard currency such as USD or BTC, and then users can pay via any cryptocurrency that they hold on their account. The exchange rates are used to determine the final payment amount.
Users are assigned unique roles for each subscription.
Special shortcodes are provided to display text when a user has, or does not have, one or more roles.
Use these shortcodes to conditionally display links to premium content, or to display text explaining how to subscribe.
Example usage:
[wallets_subscription_if_not roles="gold,silver"]You must <a href="/subscribe">subscribe</a> to Silver or Gold membership to view this content![/wallets_paywall_if_not]
[wallets_subscription_if roles="gold,silver"]Since you are Gold or Silver, you can now view <a href="/content">this awesome content</a>![/wallets_paywall_if]
The shortcodes are explained in detail in the online documentation.
Please note that this new app extension only works with Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets version 6.0.0
or later. Version 6.0.0
is still in Release Candidate status. When the final version 6.0.0
is uploaded to, you will then be able to use this extension in production.
See the Paywall extension homepage, and its support forum.