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Reply To: Display fees in a form similar to the one on CoinBase

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Display fees in a form similar to the one on CoinBase Reply To: Display fees in a form similar to the one on CoinBase



At the moment it is not easy for me to change the existing UI because I am busy with the next iteration of wallets. However, it may be possible for you to modify the templates to produce the UI you describe.

Instructions on how to override the templates in your theme are at the wallets 5.0.0 release notes: https://www.dashed-slug.net/wallets-5-0-0/

Additionally I have provided recently some information on template editing here: https://www.dashed-slug.net/forums/topic/deposit-template/#post-9518

I’m attaching a sneak peek from wallets 6.0.0 (work in progress, will be out in Q2 of 2021):

If you are designing your own interface you can do it any way you like; all the data is there in the JSON-API. Ultimately this is just a design matter.

with regards

P.S. I have moved your query to a new thread since it is not related to your previous question.

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