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Reply To: I’m getting ready to replace my hacked up monero adapter with yours

dashed-slug.net Forums TurtleCoin Adapter extension support I’m getting ready to replace my hacked up monero adapter with yours Reply To: I’m getting ready to replace my hacked up monero adapter with yours


Not sure but I believe that when the scan finishes, your user balances may not be correct.
1. If a balance is negative, is it possible that you have deleted or cancelled a deposit?

2. The hot wallet balance will remain as is after the plugin syncs with the wallet.

If your blockchain daemon is synced to the network, and the wallet api is synced to the blockchain, then the plugin will also sync. If you want to make the plugin go faster, you can go to Wallets -> Cron job and trigger the cron job url several times.

It would be best if you could start with a new wallet and empty wp_wallets_txs DB table, if you are building a new site.

Please let me know what you find.

with regards