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Reply To: Feature Request: Component Based Shortcodes for Page Builders

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Feature Request: Component Based Shortcodes for Page Builders Reply To: Feature Request: Component Based Shortcodes for Page Builders


Thank you for the update!

However, a few of these shortcodes are still too opinionated to be used in creating an interface.

For example, the wallet balance shortcode assumes that I want to display the coin type before it.

‘BTC 0.00000000’

When really, I just want the balance ‘0.000000’ to be outputted.

The coin type for the current balance should be able to be displayed separately from the actual balance so that I have more options on where/how I’d like to display it.

Additionally, the wallet account value shortcode does the same thing~

It assumes that I want ‘USD’ before the balance, but I don’t.

Last thing (just a minor inconvenience, and more for just bringing to your awareness), the shortcode styles are overwriting the Page Builder styles.

Yes, I can use CSS to style the Shortcodes, but still… it’s annoying, lol.