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Reply To: Hot wallet remains empty when new deposits are made.

dashed-slug.net Forums Monero Wallet Adapter extension support Hot wallet remains empty when new deposits are made. Reply To: Hot wallet remains empty when new deposits are made.



I’ve moved your posts to the support forum for the Monero adapter.

If you’ve put the code under some kind of version control before making changes, you can easily diff your changes with the original code. The get_balance() method has an if..then…else construct. In the code you posted above you seem to have deleted the else branch.

The adapter maintains an association of WordPress blog_urls to wallet accounts. If your installation is single-site, there will be only one blog url. If you are on multisite, there will be many. But if you are on a multisite installation AND the plugin is network-activated, this means that user balances are shared across all sites, and therefore the coin adapter must sum over all the sites. Hence the if/else construct.

When the plugin is network-activated, users may potentially be holding balances on various sub-sites, therefore there is a need to store balances on different wallet accounts. But if the plugin is not network activated (which is the usual for most installations), then the else branch is executed.

I would recommend that you restore the code and try your changes again. What you’re interested in is probably the else branch, which calls RPC get_balance once for the account corresponding to the one blog that your site has.

Additionally, if you are encountering issues with a cryptonote wallet, you can open a new thread on this support forum, and I can investigate to see what’s going on.

with regards