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Reply To: Export from Adapter does not display the latest user deposits.

dashed-slug.net Forums Full Node Multi Coin Adapter extension support Export from Adapter does not display the latest user deposits. Reply To: Export from Adapter does not display the latest user deposits.



The transactions that you see in the “Wallets” -> “Transactions” screen are stored in the wp_wallets_txs table. The export functionality dumps the data into CSV files, but replaces user ids with user emails. This helps when you migrate your data to another installation with different database IDs. As long as users use the same email in your new system, they should be fine even if they have different user ids. If you don’t care about migrating the data to another server, then you might as well use mysqldump or phpmyadmin to export this table. The wp_wallets_txs.account and wp_wallets_txs.other_account columns are WordPress user ids (you can join them with the wp_users.ID key).

From your description, I am not sure what the problem is. To be clear, you used the “Export” link from the coin adapter pages and you got a CSV file, which was working fine before, but now the new CSV export does not contain any new transactions? Also what do you mean by “registration is not displayed in the usual way”? What exactly is missing from the exported data?

Please describe the problem in more detail so I can help.

with regards