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Reply To: Incompatibility of QR code libraries with 2FA plugin

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Incompatibility of QR code libraries with 2FA plugin Reply To: Incompatibility of QR code libraries with 2FA plugin


Hello again,

I have installed the plugin and tried to reproduce the issue with no success yet. It’s true that both plugins use the jQuery.qrcode library. What’s more, the two plugins use two different jQuery.qrcode libraries with the same name. So an incompatibility is likely but I can’t see it yet.

2fa: v0.14.0 ​https://github.com/lrsjng/jquery-qrcode
wallets: 1.0 ​https://github.com/jeromeetienne/jquery-qrcode/

You mentioned that the issue is shown in the “user two FA settings page (frontend page)”. The user 2FA settings are a backend page (wp-admin/admin.php?page=two-factor-auth-user), while the wallets plugin loads its QR code library only in the frontend (used by the [wallets_deposit] shortcode and widget).

Can you please confirm if the issue is in the frontend or backend? The screenshot you show me looks like it’s from the backend if I am not mistaken. The QR code looks like it’s stretched horizontally in your screenshot but I do not see the same in my setup.

If you like I can also login to your site to look at it, but let me know first about whether the issue is in the frontend or backend.

EDIT: Also, if possible, could you check for any error messages in your JavaScript console, on the page where you see the problem?

Thank you!