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Reply To: How to "connect RPC API on a different machine than that of your WordPress"

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion How to "connect RPC API on a different machine than that of your WordPress" Reply To: How to "connect RPC API on a different machine than that of your WordPress"


OK. I’ve figured some more out: Once I delete and re-add your plug-in, I can see all the options in the bitcoin node section again including the Save button. As soon as I enable it, I get the double menu I showed you above. Also, accessing every other plugin or option in my word-press site takes 20 times longer than before, and in fact, getting to your plug-in options, takes up to 45 seconds (which use to take 1-2 seconds to access). Something happens when the Bitcoin node section of your plug-in gets enabled that “breaks” my site.