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Reply To: Timezones of Moves

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Timezones of Moves Reply To: Timezones of Moves


OK thank you for the screenshots. I’ll summarize some observations so we can be on the same page:

– The times in the database are meant to be stored in UTC.

– Your server’s timezone is set correctly to GMT-6.

– Your wallet server is in GMT-4, but this should not matter, since the RPC API of bitcoin-like wallets returns timestamps in GMT.

– Assuming the DB view you show me is sorted by primary key, it seems that all the times are stored in correct UTC.

– In the frontend, you see times for withdrawals offset by 4 hours. (This probably has to do with the timezone of the machine where the browser runs.)

Because I don’t know when you performed these transactions, it’s still unclear to me:

1. For internal move transfers, is the correct UTC timestamp shown in the database? If not, what’s the offset to the UTC time when you performed the tranasaction?

2. For deposits/withdrawals, is the correct UTC timestamp shown in the database? If not, what’s the offset to the UTC time when you performed the tranasaction?

Once I understand these two things I can determine what’s the right way to offset the times in the frontend and in your CSV export. I am still not clear on whether all the UTC timestamps are correct in the database, so please try to answer 1 and 2.

Thank you.