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Reply To: Available balance calculations out of whack

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support Available balance calculations out of whack Reply To: Available balance calculations out of whack


Hi Alex,
All latest plugins.
I also thought maybe it was becuase i was cross trading coins with each other, but then changed to only have the coins against BTC but resulted same errors.

Alt Coins Adapter: by Alex Georgiou – 0.1.0
Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets: Exchange extension by dashed-slug – 0.6.0-beta
Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets: Full Node Multi Coin Adapter extension by dashed-slug – 1.0.5
Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets: WooCommerce Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway by dashed-slug – 2.0.0
Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets: by dashed-slug – 4.0.0 

Let me know if you need anything else.
Just a note I also tried with all plugins disabled and on default wp template and still got the same issue.
