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Reply To: Moved: deposit address not displayed



First of all you should not edit any files. Please see the FAQ under “I want to do changes to the plugin’s code.” to see why.

Some thoughts on how to debug this issue:

1. When you use the CLI utility for your wallet, can you get a new address with the getnewaddress RPC command? For example, with bitcoin you should be able to get a new address with bitcoin-cli getnewaddress.

2. The debug info above indicates that you have not enabled WordPress debugging, therefore you would not see anything in your logs. Could you enable debugging and check again the get_coins_info call?

2. Create a child theme to your theme if you have not already done so. In your child theme’s functions.php file, add the following code:


function test_diners_new_address() {
	$adapters = apply_filters( 'wallets_api_adapters', array() );
	if ( ! isset( $adapters['DNS'] ) {
		error_log( 'DNS adapter not found' );
	$address1 = $adapters['DNS']->get_new_address();
	error_log( 'ADDRESS1: ' . print_r( $address1, true ) );

	$address2 = apply_filters( 'wallets_api_deposit_address', null, array( 'symbol' => 'DNS' ) );
	error_log( 'ADDRESS2: ' . print_r( $address2, true ) );

add_action( 'init', 'test_diners_new_address' );

The above should give us clues as to where the new address fails to get generated. Every time you do a new request there should be addresses written in your debug log.

Please let me know what you find.

with regards