I reply to all queries on the forums and via email, once per day, Monday to Friday (not weekends).

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Reply To: Negative Balance & Request for a 'Pending Balance' feature

dashed-slug.net Forums Exchange extension support Negative Balance & Request for a 'Pending Balance' feature Reply To: Negative Balance & Request for a 'Pending Balance' feature


OK since this is such a serious error I would ask that you help me investigate. Please do the following:

1. Find out the numeric WordPress IDs for these two users. Let’s say the IDs are 111 and 222.

2. Enter the following two queries into your SQL console and email me the result:

SELECT category,amount,fee,status,account FROM wp_wallets_txs WHERE account IN (111,222) and symbol='DOGE';

SELECT * FROM wp_wallets_orders WHERE account in (111,222) and quote_symbol='DOGE';

Please keep in mind that the exchange is still in beta.

Looking forward to your reply.

thank you