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Reply To: How to debug this ?


The functions seems to not being called. The code is located in the themes functions.php (as shown in the manual):

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘wallettheme_enqueue_styles’ );
function wallettheme_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );

function wallets_multiadapter_coins_filter( $coins ) {
$coins[‘RURT’] = array(
// Coin symbol
‘symbol’ => ‘RURT’,

// Coin name
‘name’ => ‘RURtoken’,

// Default withdrawal fee (coin adapter settings override this)
‘wd fee’ => ‘0’,

// Default internal transaction fee (coin adapter settings override this)
‘move fee’ => ‘0’,

// Default min confirmation count required for deposits (coin adapter settings override this)
‘confirms’ => ‘4’,

// Default RPC port (coin adapter settings override this)
‘port number’ => ‘443’,

// Whether the wallet supports -walletnotify
‘tx notify’ => ‘0’,

// Whether the wallet supports -blocknotify
‘block notify’ => ‘0’,

// Whether the wallet supports -alertnotify (some wallets have deprecated this)
‘alert notify’ => ‘0’,

// Comma separated list of hex bytes, needed for frontend validation of withdraw addresses. Leave blank for no validation.
‘versions’ => ”,

// An sprintf() pattern for deposit address QR Code URI. If unsure, set to ‘%s’.
‘qr pattern’ => ‘%s’,

// An sprintf() pattern for displaying amounts. If unsure, leave to ‘%01.8f’.
‘amount pattern’ => ‘%01.8f’,

// Default sprintf() pattern for URI to block explorer transaction page. Can be overriden with WordPress filter.
‘explorer tx uri’ => ‘https://live.blockcypher.com/ltc/tx/%s/&#8217;,

// Default sprintf() pattern for URI to block explorer address page. Can be overriden with WordPress filter.
‘explorer address uri’ => ‘https://live.blockcypher.com/ltc/address/%s/&#8217;,

// URL to an 64×64 icon for the coin. Or leave empty to pull the icon from ‘assets/sprites/SYMBOL.png’.
‘icon url’ => ”,
return $coins;

add_filter( ‘wallets_multiadapter_coins’, ‘wallets_multiadapter_coins_filter’ );
