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Reply To: Best Way To Edit Outgoing Emails?

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Best Way To Edit Outgoing Emails? Reply To: Best Way To Edit Outgoing Emails?



The email texts are based on template files that begin with email- in the templates directory:


To modify the templates, copy them into your theme, or better yet, to a child theme of your theme, under the templates/wallets directory.

This is described in the documentation under “Wallets Admin Docs” -> “Wallets” -> “Frontend” -> “Modifying the UI appearance” -> “Editing the template files”, also available via github:


To summarize:
– create a child theme, so that any updates to your theme do not revert your changes
– copy the templates to /wp-content/themes/YOUR_CHILD_THEME/templates/wallets/email-*.php
– edit the templates

Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

with regards,