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Reply To: Use of the plugin’s front end without the need for JavaScript

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Use of the plugin’s front end without the need for JavaScript Reply To: Use of the plugin’s front end without the need for JavaScript



The error you mentioned is unavoidable. It’s simply the plugin checking whether there needs to be a migration from the old custom SQL tables that existed in versions before 6.0.0. Nothing to worry about.

If you enable verbose logging in the settings, you will get more detail in the wordpress debug log on how the transactions are executed.

The available balance does not count pending transactions, while the normal user balance does.

Transactions, including deposits and withdrawals should be initiated in a pending state by your code, then they should either transition into a done or to a fail state by the wallet adapter. Does your transaction remain in a pending state?

I am not sure what the problem you describe is. Can you please provide screenshots of the currency page and of the transaction page screens? You can either post them here or email me, whichever you prefer.

Looking forward to your reply.

with regards