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Reply To: Internal Transfer Confirmation Error

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Internal Transfer Confirmation Error Reply To: Internal Transfer Confirmation Error


here is their reply from the screenshot that failed to upload, and i quote

“Greetings from BuddyBoss Support. I am Tanvir from the BuddyBoss Technical team, here to assist on the issue that you are facing.

Please note that the plugins we have tested or provided a special integration with are listed here: https://www.buddyboss.com/integrations/

As there is no integration with Bitcoin and Altcoin Wallets, there is no guarantee from us that it will continue to work properly with BuddyBoss.

You can also contact their developer for additional support.

I hope this helps. If additional questions come up, feel free to reach us back. We’re ready to assist 24/7.

All the best,
Tanvir | BuddyBoss Support