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Reply To: Can this host live wallet?

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Can this host live wallet? Reply To: Can this host live wallet?



This plugin holds user balances on its own DB-based ledger.

It can interface with hot wallets such as Bitcoin core. The complete list of available wallet adapters is here: https://www.dashed-slug.net/howto-choose-between-available-wallet-adapters/

Users can deposit and withdraw to and from the blockchain (including exchange wallets) using the UIs [wallets_deposit] and [wallets_withdraw]. You can see screenshots of the UIs here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wallets/#screenshots

If you are interested in connecting to a full node wallet, then you need to setup a Bitcoin core wallet on a server with sufficient resources (static public-facing IP, enough disk space for the blockchain, uninterrupted power supply). See: https://github.com/dashed-slug/wallets/blob/master/docs/install.md

Note that there will soon be a new wallet adapter for this plugin, based on LND by Lightning Labs. This will allow you to offer deposit/withdraw functionality to Bitcoin Layer1 and Layer2 (lightning network). Since LND will be usable via a wallet adapter, there will be the possibility to back your Bitcoin (or Litecoin) wallets with a lightweight Neutrino client. This means that, even if you are not interested in Lightning integration, you can use this to offer Layer 1 Bitcoin services without requiring a server with a huge disk. Neutrino does not download the blockchain but instead uses Bloom filters.

This new option will be available very soon. If you follow the dashed-slug on facebook or twitter, you will see the release announcement.

Please let me know if you have more questions about the plugin. I reply to all queries once per day, Monday to Friday.

with regards