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Reply To: Adding a knockout.js data binding on the balance template

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Adding a knockout.js data binding on the balance template Reply To: Adding a knockout.js data binding on the balance template



This would be so much easier if you were working on wallets6, but unfortunately it’s not ready for release just yet.

Oh well, I guess you could do this:

<a class="button" data-bind="attr: { href: '?symbol=' + selectedCoin() + '&balance=' + currentCoinBalance() }">Button!</a>

The mistake I did in the past is that in wallets 5.x the UI JavaScript is a big bunch of spaghetti code (wallets-ko.js). I have since changed the templates to make everything clear and self-contained and extendable. You’ll see 🙂

In any case, make sure you make your changes in a theme or child theme. The documentation explains how in: Frontend -> Template Modifications -> Modifying markup. TL;DR, you should copy balances.php to wp-content/themes/YOURTHEMEORCHILDTHEME/templates/wallets/balances.php and do your changes there…

And if you do need to run any javascript on the UIs, you should run it after the data loads, on the wallets_ready bubbling event. So, to hook to that event, you would do:

	jQuery( 'body' ).on( 'wallets_coins_ready', function( event, coins ) {
		// TODO do your thing here!
	} );

Hope this helps.