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Reply To: wallets_api_transactions filter returns empty result

dashed-slug.net Forums TurtleCoin Adapter extension support wallets_api_transactions filter returns empty result Reply To: wallets_api_transactions filter returns empty result


Yes, this looks like it’s expected behavior.

The transaction with the tag acr_burn_128 belongs to user_id 540, and the transaction with the tag acr_burn_8 belongs to user 1 (the admin).

When you call the filter, if you don’t specify a user_id, it uses the current user id (see here). The filter always retrieves transactions for a specific user. This is explained in this phpDoc line.

If you do the following call, you will see the other transaction:

$args = array(
	'symbol' => 'ARMS',
	'categories' => array('move'),
	'tags' => array('acr_burn'),
	'user_id' => 540,

apply_filters('wallets_api_transactions', array(), $args);

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

with regards