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Reply To: Moved: Negative balance after withdrawal

dashed-slug.net Forums Monero Wallet Adapter extension support Moved: Negative balance after withdrawal Reply To: Moved: Negative balance after withdrawal


| xx_wallets_txs | CREATE TABLExx_wallets_txs` (
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
blog_id bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’ COMMENT ‘useful in multisite installs only if plugin is not network activated’,
category enum(‘deposit’,’move’,’withdraw’,’trade’) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘type of transaction’,
tags varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ” COMMENT ‘space separated list of tags, slugs, etc that further describe the type of transaction’,
account bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT ‘xx_users.ID’,
other_account bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘xx_users.ID when category==move’,
address varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT ” COMMENT ‘blockchain address when category==deposit or category==withdraw’,
extra varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT ” COMMENT ‘extra info required by some coins such as XMR’,
txid varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘blockchain transaction id’,
symbol varchar(10) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL COMMENT ‘coin symbol (e.g. BTC for Bitcoin)’,
amount decimal(20,10) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘amount plus any fees deducted from account’,
fee decimal(20,10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0.0000000000’ COMMENT ‘fees deducted from account’,
comment text COMMENT ‘transaction comment’,
created_time datetime NOT NULL COMMENT ‘when transaction was entered into the system in GMT’,
updated_time datetime NOT NULL COMMENT ‘when transaction was last updated in GMT (e.g. for update to confirmations count)’,
confirmations mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT ‘0’ COMMENT ‘amount of confirmations received from blockchain, or null for category IN (move,trade)’,
status enum(‘unconfirmed’,’pending’,’done’,’failed’,’cancelled’) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘unconfirmed’ COMMENT ‘state of transaction’,
retries tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’ COMMENT ‘retries left before a pending transaction status becomes failed’,
admin_confirm tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ COMMENT ‘1 if an admin has confirmed this transaction’,
user_confirm tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ COMMENT ‘1 if the user has confirmed this transaction over email’,
nonce char(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘nonce for user to confirm via emailed link’,
UNIQUE KEY uq_tx_idx (txid,address,symbol),
KEY account_idx (account),
KEY blogid_idx (blog_id)